Saturday, October 11, 2008

good for the soul

These little red shoes were waiting for me, very patiently, with all the other good little Naots, at a shop in Bellingen. I don't know how long they had been waiting, but I can tell you my feet had been waiting what seems like a lifetime to find shoes so deeply, blissfully comfortable. And on the very day that I turned 36, there they were. Like a beacon. Sensible shoes. The time has come, the universe decreed, to turn your back on articles of vanity and embrace your inner librarian (I have always longed to be a librarian, but that's another story). My beloved paid the kind lady and handed me a gift wrapped in my favourite fashion statement -to thine own self be true. My soles, and my soul, were immensely grateful.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Happy, Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day. By the look of the shoes you did. Love the shoes..